As undergraduate teaching assistants in African American Studies, students are required to work closely with their supervising instructor who will assign day-to-day duties. To earn four credits for AASP 386 students are required to work a minimum of twelve hours per week. This may include preparing for and attending the class, holding office hours, and assisting the instructor. Supervising instructors will serve as mentors to UTAs and will evaluate their work at the end of the semester.
In conjunction with their responsibilities as UTAs, students are required to attend bi-weekly class meetings for AASP 386 and complete course assignments that focus on teaching preparation and techniques. Discussion for class meetings will center on assigned readings, individual experiences, and other issues that may come up during the semester. Attendance is mandatory and will be necessary for completing the assignments on time.
Course Requirements and Evaluation
The course grade will be determined as follows:
- Journal entries -- 20%
- Supervising instructor's evaluation -- 35%
- Final project and presentation -- 35%
- Attendance and participation -- 10%
Students will be required to keep a journal that explores the assigned readings and examines their experiences as UTA's. Journal entries are to be two to three pages, typed and double-spaced; they should be well written, organized and creative. Journals are due at the BEGINNING OF CLASS since they will be used for discussion.
Supervising Instructor's Evaluation
At the end of the semester, supervising instructors will evaluate and grade UTAs based on their overall performance as teaching assistants.
Final Project Option 1
Choose a topic that is not covered in your course but could be included on the syllabus. Develop two different ways (lesson plans) to teach the topic in a fifty minute session. Attach an annotated bibliography of no less than seven sources that you used to develop your sessions, a brief description of the process, and an evaluation form that can be used following your presentation.
Presentation Option 1
Select one of the lesson plans that you developed for your final project and lead a teaching session in your class if your supervising instructor agrees to it. Be prepared to hand out assigned readings during the class meeting prior to your presentation. Also have copies of your evaluation form to be completed after your teaching session.
Final Project Option 2
Create a syllabus for a semester long course. The course must be pre-approved. Your project includes the syllabus, an explanation of your choices, and a bibliography.
Presentation Option 2
Presentation of your syllabus in class.
You will be required to attend all meetings. You will also be required to lead two of the class meetings.